Zum Productions


Web, mobile and enterprise


Enterprise apps

Enterprise apps

Intranet, Project Management, Content Management System (CMS), Customer Support, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Business Intelligence, HR Management, Messaging and collaboration system, etc. We will build it specifically for you.

Mobile apps

Mobile apps

All our websites work on mobile browsers, but sometimes building a real native app for Android and iOS is best to target your audience.

Web apps

Web apps

When a traditional website is just not enough. Trying to build the next big thing with a public community and unique features? We're here to help.



We're not a triple A studio, but we're good at making games. A game is always a good opportunity for a marketing stunt or to improve a training solution. 2D, 3D, mobile, web, PC or consoles, we always pick the most appropriate tools for our projects.

We like to iterate

Our development process is based on a setup phase and series of iterations. We strive for continuous improvement and we do our best to implement feedback as early and as often as possible. We dedicate two weeks per iteration, with most projects taking 2 to 6 iterations.

By time-boxing and determining a budget per iteration, the only variable will be scope. This has the great advantage to let you rethink anything on the project and always make sure that what is developed is also what is required by end-users. However, in some highly unpredictable projects, there are risks of not reaching estimated goals that you need to be aware of.

Some projects do not require a full Agile team to be developed, so we charge a minimum fee of 250.- CHF/h which usually covers web development, graphic design and project management. Every project is unique and we could not provide fixed rates as it it will greatly vary based on team size, complexity of the end-product and quantity of iterations.

For larger projects and dedicated resources, here is our ballpark estimates per extra team member :

  • Software Architect: 250.- CHF/h
  • Project Manager: 200.- CHF/h
  • Software developer: 150.- CHF/h
  • 2D Graphic designer: 150.- CHF/h
  • 3D Graphic designer: 200.- CHF/h
  • Quality assurance specialist: 100.- CHF/h